This is a childhood favourite that is simple to make but delicious.  It was always served as part of our Sunday lunch along with Meat Ball Curry and Devil Chutney.  We are sure it will become a favourite in your home too.

SAUTE:  Heat a heavy based pot, then add 4 tbsp ghee/oil, a cinnamon quill about 3 cms long, 6 cardamom pods and 4 clove buds.   Fry for 30 seconds then add 2 cups (washed) Basmati rice and 1 pinch of saffron or ½ tsp turmeric powder   Stir-fry the rice and spices till the water dries - the rice will start sticking to the pan. 

SIMMER: Add 1 cup of coconut milk and 1 cup freshly boiled hot water.   Turn up the heat and bring the liquid to a rolling boil.  Cover immediately with a tight lid.  Reduce the heat to a minimum.  Simmer for 10 minutes; when the timer rings turn off the heat.
SERVE:   Leave to sit for 10 minutes – DO NOT OPEN THE DISH TILL READY TO SERVE.