No Worries Curries Blog: Ayurveda

Warming Spices for Winter

By Conchita de Souza

Warming Spices for Winter

From an evolutionary perspective and in the natural world, winter is a time of dormancy or hibernation; storing whatever energy we can from the reduced hours of daylight, trying to keep ourselves warm against the harsh cold and staying put. From a culinary perspective, the cold season is a great time for hearty stews, steaming soups, slow-cooked curries, anything-with-a-side-of-potatoes and mulled wines. You will notice that your body craves different foods during the colder months and for many, carbohydrates can be the ultimate comfort but you can rely on other sources as well.  

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Accompaniments to Indian Meals

By Conchita de Souza

Accompaniments to Indian Meals
Additionally, accompaniments can serve to fulfill the Ayurvedic concept of a balanced and nutritious meal being one that contains all six tastes or shad rasa. The six tastes are madhura (sweet), amla (sour), lavana (salty), katu (pungent), tikta (bitter), and kashaya (astringent) and they are tied in with a person’s dosha (constitution), as well as the seasons.

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All About Sprouting - How does it work & What are its health benefits?

By Conchita de Souza

All About Sprouting - How does it work & What are its health benefits?
Sprouting is the practice of germinating seeds, thereby making them easier to digest and enabling your body to better access the nutrients contained within them. Once sprouted, these seeds can be consumed either raw or cooked.  You can sprout anything from beans, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds.

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Indian Cultured Foods - Natural Sources of Probiotics to Promote Gut Health

By Conchita de Souza

Indian Cultured Foods - Natural Sources of Probiotics to Promote Gut Health
Broadly speaking, the term “gut health” refers to the bacteria that lives in your digestive tract (known as gastrointestinal tract). The bacteria contained within is affected by numerous factors starting from how we were born (c-section or vaginal birth), to the environment we grew up in as well as what we eat.

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A Beginner's Guide to Using Spices in Indian Cooking

By Conchita de Souza

A Beginner's Guide to Using Spices in Indian Cooking
To help you get started, we have put together a brief guide to using spices in Indian cuisine.

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Part 1: Five Cooling Indian-Inspired Dishes For A Hot Aussie Summer

By Conchita de Souza

Part 1: Five Cooling Indian-Inspired Dishes For A Hot Aussie Summer
As we sweat our way through another sweltering Aussie summer (wouldn’t have it any other way!), we have put together some Indian-inspired dishes to help you to beat the heat down under.

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Indian Festivals: Navratri or Durga Puja

By Conchita de Souza

Indian Festivals: Navratri or Durga Puja
Navratri in Sanskrit, means ‘nine nights’ (‘nava’ is ‘nine’ and ‘ratri’ is ‘nights’) and the festival goes exactly for that duration. It is dedicated to the Goddess Durga (also known as Maa Durga)and the nine avatars (forms) which she manifests herself. Each night celebrates one of her forms. During this time, devotees come together to fast, worship and celebrate the different forms of the devi (female god) and her victory over the demon Mahishasur.

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Kerala - A Journey Through God's Own Country (Part 1)

By Conchita de Souza

Kerala - A Journey Through God's Own Country (Part 1)
A friend and I were backpacking across the south of Kerala. He had come from Sydney to tour India, and I told him we’d do the south together. Our plan was to visit four different towns/regions in nine days, using local transport as our means for moving. I was excited for this trip, because I knew that Kerala was much like my home state Goa - filled with friendly fisherfolk, delicious seafood and cuisines rich in one of my favourite ingredients - coconut!  Yet the differences were also apparent between these coconut-ty dwellings, especially when looking at language, dress styles and traditions. A familiar flavour, but an entirely different dish - this is how I would explore and experience Kerala.

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